Greetings everyone! Prior to getting into today’s topic I want to assure you that development continues as usual for Serafina’s Saga: Awakened. The writing of Nikolaos’ path continues, Jezu’s path continues through the blocking phase (including some action-heavy scenes!), and voice acting is being edited for both Jezu and Xavier. For now though I would like to look back at Woodsy Studio’s previous release, Crimson Spires.

Crimson Spires means a lot to me for multiple reasons, but for now I would like to focus on the characters. Following these characters, seeing the challenges they faced, the paths they explored, and finding out with them what they learned about themselves has given me a lot to think about, both as I played Crimson Spires and during the time since then. From each of them I learned things that I try to apply to my own life, or at least that I should. Living up to the self one wants to be isn’t always the easiest, but that doesn’t mean we don’t continue to work our way down those paths.

The first path I following was Maddy’s (Madeleine Gray). She may have had a vicious streak, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t thoughtfully planned and executed. She inspired me with the confidence she gained to take the actions she knew had to be done. Even more importantly was experiencing the journey towards being comfortable and confident having the relationships she desired and openly living the life she wanted, and deserved, even if the face of the the Thomas “Tip” Wagner’s of society.

Liam Bataille’s path spoke to me about breaking out of the situation you are in and having the courage to find your own path in the world. Sometimes it just takes trust, both giving trust and being trusted, and a chance. A recurring theme to me from this, and the other paths, it’s easier to stand up to others and the world around you when you have a partner who has your back.

August Flynn’s path may have been the most unusual of them all, fitting for someone suspected of being a serial killer, and from it flowed no shortage of food for thought. As August liked to say, “Life is irrational.” There is a chaos to life and despite best laid plans we never know what tomorrow will bring. We can struggle with the chaos as it arises or we can choose to ride it and see where the adventure takes us. It’s all about keeping an open mind and never losing your curiosity about the world, as long as you don’t let that curiosity consume you.

Then there is the man who has it all, Julian Bataille, or does he? Is there more to power, money, and the ability to get whatever you desire from anyone? Is that really the best way to have relationships with those in our life? Julian reminds me of the importance of having one’s own opinion, own desires, and the ability to make one’s own decisions in the presence of those that enthrall us. While there is nothing wrong with being captivated by someone else, relationships will be stronger by everyone involved still being able to speak their mind and share with one another.
Finally we reach Erika Wright who we spend the most time with as we live the stories of Crimson Spires’ through her eyes. Continuing the idea of being able to make one’s own decisions here I would like to focus on the very end of the game. I’ll do my best to avoid spoilers and just say that if you complete all four paths a fifth option awaits you. At some point in this fifth path you are presented by a choice that you can only make once. I had heard about this situation in advance and was rather anxious. However when I did reach that point I immediately knew my answer and it was the easiest choice I made all game.
Personally I probably have ways of finding out the consequences of the alternate choice, but I feel to do so would be a betrayal of Erika who doesn’t get to know and who has to live with the choice we made. I like to think she is also fully confident in the choice and has no regrets. Otherwise she wouldn’t be where she wants to be. I regularly think about this in my own life. While perhaps there are things that could have worked out differently from time to time, without those prior events I wouldn’t be where I am right now nor would I be with the people who are most important to me.
You may have already played Crimson Spires and found what it means to you. There is so much to unpack that you may have taken away a whole different set of inspirations along your journey. If you haven’t played Crimson Spires, there is never a better time to see how it speaks to you. You can start your own journey through Bataille on Steam,, and all major video game platforms.