**Gustave has been cast!**
James Yamaguchi has been cast as Gustave.
About Crimson Spires
Made in UE4, Crimson Spires blends horror with otome-style romance. First-person character control allows you to explore the stark town of Bataille, MO–a 3D environment inspired by PS2-era horror games–while experiencing an interactive story.
The small mining town of Bataille, Missouri has been cordoned off from the outside world for six months. The inhabitants have no idea why. All they know is that ever since the so-called “Contingency,” planes no longer fly overhead, strange creatures have been glimpsed beyond the perimeter, and large mechanical towers gun down anyone who tries to escape. As Sheriff Erika Wright searches for the truth, she must listen to the advice of a serial killer, mingle with extreme conspiracy theorists, and negotiate with vampires.
Expected Work and Payment
There are two types of dialogue for each character: expression lines and scene dialogue.
- Expression lines are short, expressive lines of dialogue that occasionally play when a character speaks to punctuate their current emotion.
- Payment is $0.50 per expression line, including all takes. Each character will probably have between 30-100 expression lines.
- Scene dialogue is what you would expect: full lines from the script. Each “line” in this case is what appears on the screen for each dialogue block at a time, typically 1-3 sentences.
- Payment is $0.75 per dialogue block, including all takes.
*Gustave: This character has only a few expression lines, and a long scene of scene dialogue.
*Important Note!* Please be aware that development on this project is ongoing and will likely continue into 2020. After initial recordings, we may occasionally need additional recordings until the project releases. We will do our best to work with your schedule accordingly.
This game will contain adult language, violence, and sexual themes. We are not yet rated officially, but we expect to land in the Mature/R rating category. There will be F-bombs. Romance scenes might get a little racy, but not explicit. Please only audition if you are comfortable with that!
Audition Process
Please record the included audition lines for the roles that interest you and send them in either .wav or .mp3 format to jenny (at) woodsy-studio (dot) com. Please include your name and the character name in the files, such as “YourName_CharacterName.mp3”. Multiple takes and styles are highly encouraged so I have a good sense of your range. The last day to audition will be Saturday, Sept 7, 2019.
When I cast voice actors, what I care about most is your ability to act. This is more important to me than vocal range, accent, or other secondary details. Although I generally don’t judge your audition on a resume or past roles, I find that it’s beneficial for voice actors to have theater experience, so feel free to mention that.
As for demonstrating your ability to act, try to fully embody the character your voicing and let their personality shine through every line. Major bonus points if you can somehow help me see the character in a new way I never even thought of before. Err on the side of feeding an audition line too much emotion rather than too little; I always know I can ask you to tone it down, but I don’t always know whether you can kick it up a notch (and do it well).
(Male, late 50s)
Details on this character are somewhat limited, because they dive strongly into spoiler territory. But we can give you the following info:
Gustave was once a rich and refined man. He was born privileged, worked moderately to gain more wealth, and once in power, he perceived poverty as despicable weakness. He did not hesitate to use and abuse people beneath him to gain more power. He represents the worst of capitalist America.
In present day of the game, Gustave has since fallen into a mentally unhinged state. He has fits of uncanny rage in which he acts more like a beast than a man. Sometimes he has moments of clarity, enough to assume the shadow of his old self. He can even appear elegant and refined again. But in such times, he is still a monster in terms of greed, conceit, and trickery.

OVERALL PERSONALITY: Fakes civility and elegance to manipulate others, but he hides a raging beast within, hungry to escape.
AGE: late 50s
ACCENT: American
***********Audition Lines************
Line 1:
(Smug, boastful) “I never actually went in the mines. Why would I? I could pay people to do that for me.”
Line 2:
(annoyed) “Quite frankly, I’m glad you were raised by the help. If I had done it myself, I’d be disappointed in myself.”
Line 3:
(beastly, angry) *Roar of hunger and rage*
Instructions (Refrain)
Once again, please record the included audition lines and send them in either .wav or .mp3 format to jenny (at) woodsy-studio (dot) com. Multiple takes and styles are highly encouraged so I have a good sense of your range. Please don’t just send an empty email with attachments; at least introduce yourself! The last day to audition will be Saturday, Sept 7, 2019.
Also posted in the following sites: